The Dresden Files #4

The Dresden Files #4 ( Dable Brothers / Jim Butcher / Ardian Syaf)

“Harry Dresden is locked in a battle with a dangerous magical creature known as “the Hag” that’s in the midst of an ascension rite. Dresden’s got to stop her, but he’s in way over his head! Only the right mix of magic, quick thinking and straight-out bluffing will stop her. Jim Butcher brings this all-original mini-series to a triumphant close.”

Wow!  This was freaking awesome!  The Dresden Files is the perfect blend of action, humor, crime noir, fantasy, magic, and just plain old kick assery!  Jim Butcher’s dialog and inner monologues are some of the best I’ve read this year.  This is top notch writing that kept this four issue miniseries at the top of my read pile every week it came out.

The art by Ardian Syaf is the perfect fit for this series.  We are practically able to feel the blasts of dark energy flying by Dresden’s head had he dives out of the way.  Syaf is a top self artist, I can’t wait to see more of his work.

Grade: A

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Updated: August 8, 2008 — 11:47 am

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