Star Trek: Mirror Images #2

Star Trek: Mirror Images #2 (of 5) (IDW – Tipton / Tipton / Messina / Traversi)

IDW Publishing’s Star Trek: Second Stage continues! Showcasing the top Star Trek writers in print, TV, and comics, IDW hits the afterburners for its second year under Starfleet command. In Mirror Images, Scott & David Tipton, masterminds behind the celebrated Klingons: Blood Will Tell miniseries, beam through the looking glass to deliver a story from one of the most popular corners of Star Trek canon, the Mirror Universe! In the “Mirror, Mirror” episode from The Original Series, an evil Kirk commanded the I.S.S. Enterprise for the Terran Empire. But how did he rise to power, in a universe where treachery is rewarded as much as accomplishment? Witness Mirror-Kirk’s plot to unseat Captain Pike and seize command!  Murderous intrigue continues aboard the I.S.S. Enterprise, as First Officer James T. Kirk sets in motion the machinations that will result in the murder of Captain Christopher Pike, and the ultimate prize for Kirk: the captain’s chair! But what does Spock have to say about it—and whose side is he on? A dark, twisted reflection of Starfleet history continues!

IDW has definitely found it’s niche among independent books.  These seem gifted with being able to take franchises and properties and make exceptional comics out of them.  To any Trekkie or Trekker out there, these books will ring true… or at least as true as any Trek canon gets.

Mirror Images is part of IDW’s Star trek: Second Stage series gives the untold tales of the Mirror “evil” universe and how Kirk got overthrew Pike.  Scott and David Tipton give a great narrative as Daivd Messina (Angel) is able to display the perfect blend of shadow, action and emotion to give Mirror Images the noir feel.  It looks like in issue #3 we will see the beginnings of dark Picard.  The only thing that isn’t great about IDW’s books is the constant $3.99 pricetag.

Issue Grade: B+

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Updated: August 21, 2008 — 4:46 pm

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