Not The Geek Next Door: Interview with Chandra Free

Hey guys! Sorry for the delay in the column, life sometimes throws glitches into the system, like Tropical Storms of DOOOOOOOM that cause you to work umpteenth days in a row. It looks like another evil storm is heading my way (and a real one , this time!) so I do apologize if you don’t see another post for some time. I’ll make up for it! And remember, if there is a topic you want me to cover, feel free to drop me an email at

The other week I had the chance to sit down with artist, writer and all around nerd girl extraordinaire Chandra “Spooky Chan” Free, creator of The God Machine (due out soon!). Chan is an amazingly talented girl, a traditional artist who has taken the plunge in the digital world and creates some of the most beautiful work I have laid eyes on. She can paint in acrylic as seamlessly as she can sketch and color a comic page in PhotoShop. She’s also an accomplished writer who’s nine-year labor of love is finally getting the attention of the comic world. Chandra’s book, The God Machine, was picked up by Archaia Studios Press and is due out sometime this year (due to some management changes, many of the ASP titles have had their release dates shuffled around).

To say Chan is a Renaissance woman would sound cliche, but she is the writer, penciller, colorist and letterer behind her own book. She really does it all. You can see much of Chan’s amazing work at her site, and you can get a preview of The God Machine at her Deviant Art site:

I’ve broken down the interview into two parts. Enjoy!
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Updated: August 29, 2008 — 10:09 am

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