Doctor Who #6

Doctor Who #6 (of six) (IDW – Russell / Martino / Smith)

Continuing the adventures of the legendary BBC character, now as the hugely popular new Tenth Doctor, in the first Doctor Who comics written for the American market! Friends, enemies and those slightly confused ones who fall between both have unwittingly colluded to bring something ancient, powerful and utterly devastating through from another plane of existence into the universe. And it’s hungry… hungry for life. Literally. It eats life energy and reckons the Doctor and Martha could be its tastiest meal yet…

So, the series ends on a much more serious and epic note than it began. Issue six fills in some of the gaps and answers the questions that have been flying in the last five issues… sonic weapon,s giant cats and ancient gods can all make for a really big headache. But if the Doctor gives us a headache, then let mine pound mercilessly!

This was a great series overall. That being said, issue six was the capstone, so reading it as a standa lone might not be your best move. Anyone who has enjoyed the second, third or fourth season of the new show is sure to enjoy this. If you haven’t been getting it , it might be cheaper to wait for the trade rather than try to find the back issues. IDW’s next venture with the Doctor is The Forgotten, check out the description below. I am looking forward to this and to IDW’s take on GalaxyQuest (also below)

Issue Grade: B+

Series Grade: A-

Doctor Who: The ForgottenStranded in a strange Museum that’s dedicated to him—and with no TARDIS in sight, The Doctor and Martha must make sense of their surroundings, hindered by one small fact—The Doctor has lost his memories of every one of his previous incarnations! With items relevant to each Doctor in their possession, The Doctor must try to use them to regain his memories before it’s too late, starting with his earliest incarnation’s memories, involving Susan, Barbara and Ian. This all-new series written by Tony Lee (Starship Troopers) features artist Pia Guerra in her first monthly comic since Y The Last Man!

Galaxy Quest: Global Warming Presenting the first-ever Galaxy Quest comic book tale! It’s been 20 years since the cast of Galaxy Quest ruled the airwaves! (Alas, the intervening decades involved lots of sci fi conventions and retail store grand openings and precious few acting jobs!) Now, on the eve of the relaunch of America’s most beloved science fiction series, Galaxy Quest: The Journey Continues, a world-threatening crisis occurs! Will the Earth survive? Mmmmaybe, if Jason Nesmith and his fellow actors-turned-adventurers have anything to say about it! In the immortal words of his alter ego, Commander Peter Quincy Taggart, “Never give up! Never surrender!” Brought to you by grizzled vet Scott Lobdell (Uncanny X-Men) and exciting newcomer Ilias Kyriazis!

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Updated: August 19, 2008 — 3:11 pm

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