Booster Gold #11

Booster Gold #11 (DC – Dixon / Jurgens / Rapmund)

Guest writer Chuck Dixon jumps into the Timestream to tell a tale of Booster Gold and Batman! When Booster is charged with stopping a time-traveling villain from Batman’s past, he must travel back in time and go undercover as Killer Moth to stop this mystery man from destroying Gotham City! Guest-starring Batgirl!

Chuck Dixon and Dan Jurgens… there’s your real dynamic duo!

While Booster Gold hasn’t gotten to the bottom of my reading list, it certainly did move out of the top place. The whole “Blue and Gold – walk thru the 90’s” storyline got a tad long for me. The Dixon / Jurgens two-punch combination though is enough to revitalize fan’s interest in this book and show how much potential there is in the superhero version of Quantum Leap.

The “Vicious Cycle” storyline has Booster trying to set Batman’s time line straight again after Wiley Dalbert (mad scientist from the future) starts messing with it. But as is Booster’s M.O., the Butterfly Effect keeps making him it’s whipping boy. Instead of helping the Batman family, Booster ends up eliminating them from Gotham City and bringing Killer Moth to power. On his failed second attempt to set things right, he finds himself trapped in the Bat Cave with a very angry Alfred with a loose finger on a rifle trigger.

Pencils were done of industry veteran Dan Jurgens and then finished off by Norm Rapmund. And they are beautiful! Exactly what is called for in this traditional superhero book narrative. The only bummer I see is that this creative team is only around for this and next issue, then they pass the ball to Rick Remender, Pat Olliffe and Jerry Ordway.  DC needs to remember, if you pass the ball too quickly and too often, fans stop caring!  This first year of Booster Gold has been way better than I would have predicted, I hope year 2 excels also!

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:03 am

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