Avengers: The Initiative #16

Avengers: The Initiative #16 (Marvel – Slott / Caselli)

For months you’ve heard one question over and over again: “Who do you trust?” Well we’ve got your answer right here, Earth-boy: TRUST THE KILL KREW! Yeah, that’s right, the SKRULL KILL KREW are back! And they’re ready to kill, maim, torture, and butcher every mother lovin’ Skrull out there! Also, back at Camp Hammond, ANT-MAN is in a giant world of trouble—the biggest kind of trouble the SECRET INVASION can dish out.

Now, most people know I have been a huge fan of Dan Slott from way back in the She-Hulk / Thing days, but this issue strayed a tad for me.  The main focus was on the reintroduction the new Skrull Kill Krew.  3D man has crash his quinjet and Sharon “She-Thing” Ventura (haven’t seen her in a while) comes to help, but 3D man outs her as a skrull and the Kill Krew come out of the shadows and eat her (nope, not making it up)

Yup, you got it, The Kill Krew can identify the skrulls if they eat them.  And yes, we get to see a skrull head on a bar-b-que.  Sort of weird, sort of original cool… but it still makes you turn you head and make sure you read it right.  We also get to see War Machine back up and running with the Baron’s help.  Poor Rhodie, I think this favor is going to haunt him for a long time.  War Machine gets a transmission from Tony “from beyond the grave”, some sort of “last ditch” tactic that Tony put it the system in case he died or there is a complete crash.  So, War Machine abandons the troops to go off to the coordinates that Tony gives him, It will be interesting to see what he finds when he gets to the end of that rainbow.  And Ant-man, poor sad Ant-man, has ditched going to the front line in fear of his own well-being and has been hiding on base… which will now be skrull headquarters.  Can Dan Slott make a hero out of this joke of a character?  This guy is worse than Scott Lange.

The issue was just a little scattered for me, not really the focus or wit that we normally see from Dan Slott.  Stefano Caselli continues to show his worth with yet another issue of very strong pencils.

Issue Grade: B

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:16 pm

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