WWC: The Scream Factory – Bump and Beyond!

While at Wizard World Chicago, I had the pleasure of being able to talk to some the creative minds behind the Independent powerhouse, The Scream Factory. I got to hear about their upcoming comic and film projects and how they are changing the way people will look at the horror genre.

To check out their Myspace, head here, or catch it on Thepullbox’s set of links

The Scream factory will be one of the Independent presses to watch for in the coming year, read the interview to see why!

I got to make a Mark Kidwell, Robert Kurtzman sandwich, check it out!

Here was our review of Death Walks the Street #0, brilliant!

The interview is below!

Eric: I’m here with the Scream Factory and horror icon, Mark Kidwell. Mark can you tell us what you got coming down the road here?

Mark Kidwell (MK): I’m still working on several projects with Frazetta comics at Image and I’ve got a new project here at the Scream Factory, it’s sort of a horror comedy, situation with vampires… and we’re working heavily on designs for the Bump movie

Scott Licina (SL): (yelling in) Promoting the Bump movie, it’s all about the Bump movie (Scott is a produce on Bump)

Eric: Bump was one of the best horror comics in the past five years

SL: damn straight

Eric: So, What is the time line for the Bump movie?

SL: In pre- production right now, Robert Kurtzman is directing, he directed Buried Alive, he has worked on Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Army of Darkness, Evil Dead. Bump will star Tobin Bell (Jigsaw from Saw) Sean Patrick Flanery (Boon Dock Saints) and Ashley Lawrence,

Eric: and joining us is….

SL: Scott Licina!

Eric: Scotty Licina, that’s exciting!

MK: Actually there is no Scott Licina, you see I’m possessed

(Laughs all around)

Eric: Mark, are you enjoying your work on Dark Kingdom?

MK: I am, yea, I’m enjoying it a lot, I’m a huge Frazetta fan, I’m a fan Robert E. Howard and all thing swords and sorcery and I’m bringing that background to the Frazetta comics

Eric: Well, it is a move from your horror stories; it is great to see the depth of your talent

MK: actually I am into any genre, you know man, I love westerns, WWII, the whole Viet Nam thing, comedy… you see, it’s not just horror, horror just seems to be the branch of genre that people appreciate about me because my artwork seems to lend itself to that, so man, it’s not just horror

SL: Mark is a true renaissance man… honestly, he’s one of the best screen writers I have ever met, in fact the project we have moving right after Bump is not a horror project, but it’s just as amazing…

Eric: What is it about?

SL: I can’t talk about it… you know double secret probation

Eric: Double secret probation, got it!

SL: But Mark is amazing! I mean I’ve never met a guy that can turn out such amazing work, but also so fast and just, he never falters.

Eric: That’s phenomenal!

MK: That’s because Scott scares me and that keeps me in line

Eric: It’s been a great pleasure talking with you Mark, thanks for this opportunity

Eric (to Scott): While Mark might not be working on every thing the Scream Factory has going on… what do we expect from the scream factory in the next 6 months

SL: Well, we have new titles coming out and doing some collected editions of precious titles like Bump and we also specialize in downloadable comics for free… in other words if you guys want to read Bump, you can go to Wowio.com, from the Scream Factory myspace page, it’s directly linked and you get the books for free.

Bump, Beneath the Valley of the Rage, Strangeland (which was never finished) and the last three issues will be there… and also Death walks the Streets

DWTS is our first new original book which is also ties in the film and stars (angle?) and directed by James Zahn.

Eric: James Zahn is here!

James Zahn (JZ): It will also star Justin Mentell (Boston Legal) who has a new movie from Disney G-Force 7/24/09. DWTS has vampires, zombies, undead, the mob, its Ocean’s Eleven in look and feel but in a world where monsters are real, it’s a very colorful story as opposed to being something that is dark and dreary.

Eric: This is truly amazing who you guys have here this weekend

SL: Well, I will give you one more; here is the one and only Robert Kurtzman

Eric: Another icon from the world of horror Robert Kurtzman, how are you doing today?

Robert Kurtzman (RK): Doing fine.

Eric: I’ve been hearing about the great Scream Factory projects coming up, what’s on your plate?

RK: With just the Scream Factory?

Eric: Yes, or in general

RK: Well, we are here promoting the upcoming Bump Movie, a film we are starting up this year and I am starting to do some effects work on a remake of The Night of the Demons, and a movie called The Nagene, which is a film in India about the snake woman legend and we are doing snake transformations and that starts this week, so I just started to prep on that before coming to Chicago

Eric: Well, thank you, I really appreciate you time


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Updated: July 7, 2008 — 9:20 am

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