The Living Corpse #4

The Living Corpse #4 (Zenescope – Hasson / Haeser)

The Living Corpse faces his most dangerous foe yet as the Voodoo Queen weaves her spell on our undead hero. What chance does a zombie have against one who has power over the walking dead and can make them do her bidding? And who is the mysterious agent who pulls the strings from the shadows and wants to capture the Living Corpse for his own agenda? The answers begin here as our hero’s past starts to unravel… and he will never be the same again!

When people talk about The Living Corpse, they hail it as one of the best horror comics this year. The Living Corpse is horror like Army of Darkness is horror. Does it have ooogly-googlies? Yes! Is the main character a true living corpse? Yes (it’s not just a witty hero name)! Will it keep you up at night because of the nightmarish trauma it caused on your psyche? No! In my opinion it is more of an adventure than horror. Whatever category you call it though, I know you will also call it fun!

Buz Hasson & Ken Haeser are an incredible team that brings together this series which have both individual issue stories that the reader will have closure on and also an ongoing story that propels the read to want to get the next issue. The stories and dialog are quick-paced and witty. John Romero, our main character (or at least that was his name before he came back from the dead) is the Gatekeeper, someone who has his foot in both the world of the dead and the world of the living to act as a guardian to both, but he does it reluctantly. The writing is superb and the art has enough of a cartoonish characteristic to it to make it seem both scary and comical.

This issue sees John take the Voodoo Queen on and find out who his real enemy is. An FBI agent, who is a lone survivor of a zombie attack twenty five years ago on the night John returned to the world of the Living!

If you enjoy some good scary fun, this one that definitely needs to be on your list!

Issue Grade: A

Series Grade : A

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Updated: July 28, 2008 — 3:32 pm

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