J. Scott Campbell visits Wonderland

This is like two (or three) great tastes that taste great together… I love this series!

J. Scott Campbell joins Finch by going Beyond Wonderland

Zenescope Entertainment has just released news that renowned artist J. Scott Campbell has completed a cover for the very soon to be released BEYOND WONDERLAND #1 which debuts at Comic Con in San Diego later this month. The same issue is already featuring a cover by the extremely talented David Finch and now Campbell will join Finch as both artists’ covers will ship at a 50/50 ratio to retailers.
“It’s an exciting time when two amazing artists in this industry both offer to do covers for your series.” Said Zenescope VP Ralph Tedesco, “I can’t thank J. Scott or David enough for the work and brilliance they put into each of their pieces.”

Beyond Wonderland is the sequel mini-series to Zenescope’s indie hit Return To Wonderland and is a dark, horror-filled take on Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Tedesco describes the series as “American Beauty meets Jacob’s Ladder with a nightmarish version of Carroll’s classic sprinkled throughout.”
Said David Finch regarding Zenescope’s ‘Wonderland’ series, “Every so often something comes along that just seems so obvious that you don’t know why it hasn’t always been done.”
There is still some time for retailers to place their orders for Beyond Wonderland #1 featuring the covers by Finch and Campbell by using Diamond order code JUN084373.

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Updated: July 2, 2008 — 2:50 pm

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