Avengers: The Initiative #14

Avengers: The Initiative #14 (Marvel – Slott / Gage / Caselli)

“We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us!” During the INFILTRATION, a Skrull at the heart of the Camp Hammond said these words: “It won’t be long until we have a Skrull in every state! “Now that Skrull stands revealed and the fate of The Initiative, the United States, and Planet Earth hang in the balance. Plus: Former Avenger, Delroy Garret, assumes the mantle and arsenal of Earth’s greatest Skrull-Hunter, THE 3-D MAN. He’s here to chew bubblegum and kick some Skrull-@$$. And he’s all out of bubblegum.

Given this week was WWC, I didn’t think I was going to review any of the weekly books, but I just couldn’t help myself… you know why? Dan Slott is back on The Inititative!

The Initiative has continued to be a solid book, but issue #14 really blew me away. The book follows the trail of the New 3D Man. Doesn’t really strile fear into the hearts of the bad guys, right? Oooh watch out! Here comes the master of the Tri-Force. Can’t you see the mob enforcers trembling now… yea right.

How do you know Slott rocks? He can take a character that is sort of a D-lister and make us love him. This has been true of this entire series and it is true here! The art and layout is fantastic! Not only does the last page let us see how deep the Secret Invasion is, but it is a genius panel to look at!

Grade: A

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:13 pm

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