WWC: The Dork List

As far as the geek world goes, most of the comic creators and celebrities are usually stellar, happy to talk to the fans.  I have met several of the best and brightest today already (more to come on the positive later)… but then there is the list. The Dork List.

The dork List are those few folks who just don’t get it that they get to make their house payment because of people like me who buy their work.  Only a couple have made this list so far… Lou and Rob to name a few.   Well, now I have another one.  Last night I was getting some books signed by the very talented Michael Avon Oeming, and some guy who obviously knew Michael kept being rude to us and actually told us (the fans) to go away so he he could talk to his friend.  Well, everyone gets a dork moment, so I let it go.   Well, today I find out he was Alex Maleev, a pretty talented artist who worked on Civil War: The Confession and Daredevil.  I actually had 2 books for him to sign (ONLY TWO BOOKS!) and he is at his artist alley table by himself.  He is doing some work with no one around him.  I walk up to the table, let him know I like his work and ask him if he could sign my books.  Without looking up he says “ummmmm… actually I have a Marvel signing tomorrow, why don’t you bring those books then” and goes back to his work without a so much of a pause.

Two books… two stinking books!?! are you kidding me Alex? Well, welcome to the dork list!

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Updated: June 27, 2008 — 12:24 pm

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