WWC: DCU The Crisis is Here

Let\'s Get Started

WWC: DC Nation Panel

The DC Nation panel the consisted of Dan Didio, Jann Jones, Shawn McKeever, Fail Simone, Greg Rucka, Shane Davis, Ethan Van Schiever, and one guy who’s name I didn’t get (I will though) was to day in the Steve Gerber Room at Wizard World Chicago. It was a great panel with tons of great stuff which I will unveil to you now!

– First, Dan Didio honored Michael Turner with some memories of the great work and great times Michael he had at DC. Then we rolled into the upcoming books followed by Q&A.

Final Crisis (FC) Requiem will explain the death of the Martian Manhunter and how he was captured in the first place. One guy asked why that wasn’t released first and Dan stated that they wanted the shock value of the kill to come first. Makes sense to me.

FC Rouges Rage is going to go more in-depth on Salvation Run and more villains fun.

FC Legion of Three Worlds is going to rock our socks. Geoff Johns had to leave the con because he is great friends with Michael Turner and had to go, but Greg Rucka saw the first issue yesterday and loved it.

FC Revelations is a Greg Rucka project and stated that it’s the prettiest book he’s ever worked on. It will deal with the new Specter, The Question, and the crime religion.

FC Superman Beyond is written by Grant Morrison and is a 3D book that takes Superman through the multiverse on some adventure. Dan started to talk about it and was promptly shut down by the rest of the panel for fear of him saying too much.

FC Rage of the Red Lanterns is a book the Shane Davis is working on and he called it, “crazy stuff” and then posed the question, “Should Sinestro be held accountable for crimes against the galaxy?”

Trinity. The new weekly series from DC is going strong and people seem to like it. The crowd responded well of Dan asking if they still liked weekly comics.

Wonder Woman. Big big new villian in Wonder Woman that is being called her “Doomsday”

Secret Six. Finally, and on-going book with these characters and there first “bad guy” will be an A-List Batman rouge.

Action Comics. New arc is with the “true Braniac” and I have no idea what that means, but it’s going to have a huge impact on Superman and the DCU.

JSA. Coming up and a 3 issue arc that ties into Kingdom Come.

Batman. Not much said other than it looks good and that Catwoman is going to be a major player in the next few months.

Batgirl. She’s sick of Batman keeping her down and there are going to be some run-ins with her and the entire Bat-family.

El Diablo. A Latino superhero book that is new for the DCU that is coming soon, but keep it away from the kiddies because it’s going to be violent.

The Flash. Almost nothing said because Dan was shut down before he said too much. BUT there is some hits and a relaunch of the Flash book that will now include all, and I do mean all, the Flash family.

Teen Titans. Sean McKeever is still rocking the house. We are going to get a Wonder Dog (huh?) issue coming up and well as a Blue Beatle / Kid Devil team-up and the return of a former member. Sean and Dan also let us know that the Teen Titans roster will be changing and growing.

Legion of Super Heroes will all feed into the Legions of Three Worlds books.

Titans. I hate this book, but others love it and we see that an old member will return and is more than a match for the rest of the team.

THE WORLD IS MINE!!Now on to the Question & Answer bits.

* No plans for a Pig Iron (from Captain Carrot) book

* Green Arrow will not be getting his own series, but will say in the team-up style books.

* Fans do not need to read all the Final Crisis titles to get what’s happening, but will enrich the story of you do.

* Legion of Three Worlds is going to RAWK!!! But Dan was again stopped before saying to much…the panel just suggested we buy it.
* Barry Allen was the narrator of DC Zero and he is back to save to world.
* Simon Dark will be stepping out of his little corner of the DCU and start interacting with other DC characters.
* Darkest Night will spill over into many of the DCU books next year.
* Finally a little kid asked if they are going to kill Superboy-Prime. Dan said no, but he did say that DC can use the name Superboy again (WHOO-HOO)!

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Updated: June 29, 2008 — 8:59 pm

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