Ultimate Origins #1

Ultimate Origins #1 (of 5) (Marvel – Bianchi / Bendis / Guice / Bianchi / Ponsor / Eliopoulos)

This is it! The story that finally reveals the conspiracies behind the entire Ultimate Universe! When they first met, Bruce Banner mysteriously warned Spider-Man that “Everything is connected.” Now it’s time to discover the jaw-dropping secrets that men have fought and died to protect. From the dark days of World War II to the frightening present, journey through history to learn what’s really behind the Super Soldier and Weapon X programs–and how heroes such as Captain America, Nick Fury and Wolverine have more in common than codenames and costumes. The dream team of Brian Michael Bendis and Butch Guice (CAPTAIN AMERICA, IRON MAN) unite for the first time for the Ultimate series of the year that is a must-read lead-in to ULTIMATUM!

After rereading the latest issues of Ultimates 3, Ultimate Origins was not what I expected at all.  But it turns out ok,  while there were no really big action scene splash pages, UO is knee deep in plot and detailed story.  A very good trade-off if you ask me.  It opens with a re-tread of the scene with Bruce Banner and Spider-man with the now all-important “everything is connected” scene.  But then we jump back to 1942 and catch the beginning of the Super-Soldier program and from there we track the origins of Cap, Wolverine and the not-so-honorable beginnings of Nick Fury.  This will undoubtedly tie into a WWII intro to Magneto.  Bendis, as usual, lays out a great beginning.  The question is will he be able to finish it off?  The only negative to the book is, even with the in-depth story,  that it seemed very quick.

Issue Grade: A-

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:13 pm

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