Star Wars: Legacy #25

Star Wars: Legacy #25 (Dark Horse / Ostrander / Duursema)

Danger comes to the most secret location in the galaxy in this first part of a new story! There is a place, hidden to all but a select few, where some of the most powerful figures in the galaxy reside. As Cade Skywalker travels there with a mission of upmost importance, an undetected pursuer may put Cade’s clandestine destination at terrible risk!
Discover the Hidden Temple. A place of peace and sanctuary–enter at your own risk! “

Comic legend John Ostrander and Star Wars artist legend Jan Duursema are getting into the swing of what looks to be a pretty rockin story arc in Legacy. Out heroes have been through a rough patch lately and last issue decided to take refuge with Cade’s uncle Bantha Rawk (a.k.a Nat Skywalker!).

Yup, there is another Skywalker! I was pretty shocked by this, and immediately got wrapped into Bantha’s story line. I find it amazing how enamored the geek culture has become with the Skywalker lineage, but in Legacy the Skywalker clan is not fairing very well. With the Jedi order in severe distress, like Dark Times distress, Bantha decided to leave his wife and kids in a cozy hiding spot and guide out heroes to a secret Jedi temple. Perhaps the last Jedi temple in exsistence The temple looks to be nothing more than 12 to 13 capitol ships all tied together by pressurized walkways. I can’t help but think that’s going to come into play. As the issue progresses, it looks as if the Jedi and the Empire may be headed into an uneasy alliance against the Sith, but Jariah may have a score to settle with one of the temple’s inhabitants.

The story telling in Legacy is exactly what anyone would want from a Star Wars comics. Heck, it’s the kind of story telling that you want from any comic. The story and dialog are consistently above the bar and the art is something to ogle at long after you’ve read the text. High marks on all fronts!

Grade: A

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Updated: June 24, 2008 — 12:13 pm

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