King-Size Hulk #1

King-Size Hulk #1 (Marvel – Loeb / Cho / Adams / Keith)

HULK vs. SHE-HULK! HULK vs. WENDIGO! HULK vs. ??????????? JEPH LOEB! ART ADAMS! FRANK CHO! TOO many SUPERSTARS to fit into a puny REGULAR-SIZED issue!!! We’re comin’ upside your head with a KING-SIZE spectacular with MORE smashing, bashing, trashing, and clashing than should be allowed by law!!! Three new tales that fill in the gaps of the best-selling HULK book, and set up NEW storylines! PLUS, classic tales including THE INCREDIBLE HULK 180 (the REAL 1st appearance of Wolverine!) and AVENGERS 83 (Lady Liberators, anyone?)! More? You want MORE!?!? How about a super-secret MYSTERY ARTIST…???

King-Sized Hulk will leave a King-Sized hole in your comic budget with very little to show for it. Three mini-stories, one story involving the Wendigo (the reveal: the madder Red Hulk gets… the hotter he gets… huh?), one story involving She-Hulk (the reveal: Red Hulk could kill She-Hulk anytime he wanted… could he be Wyatt Wingfoot), one involving the origin of the Abomination (the reveal: nothing more than a Hulk movie tie-in?). More than half of this $4.99 issue is reprint and sketches. It’s not that it was bad art or writing… but it was truly uneventful for the current story-line given the price tag.

Issue grade: C

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:13 pm

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