Dresden Files #2 ( Dabel Brothers – Butcher / Syaf)
This is a book that fell to the bottom of my comic pile for the last two weeks. Man was that a mistake! This book is so fracking good that it makes one ignore the $3.99 price tag. This issue picks up with Harry Dresden having to protect a frightened zoo keeper he befriended in the last issue. After using lots of magic to save their butts, Dresden gets away to do some good old fashion detective work. After some digging and a quick consult with Bob, the spirit possessed in a skull, Harry finds that he knows what’s happening and who is doing it.
The art by Ardian Syaf can’t be more perfect for this book. It balances the noir feel with the modern day magic perfectly. The best part of this book has to be the dialog and inner-monologues. It’s captures that hard-boiled private dick in a modern setting perfectly. This framed perfectly when Dresden confronts the women he thinks is behind everything. Also the last thought block (is that what they’re called?) is absolutely perfect.
I cannot recommend this book enough. Get to your local comic shop and put it your pullbox!
Warning: Given the language in the book I would give it a PG-13 rating
Grade: A+