Action Comics #866

Action Comics #866 ( DC / Johns / Frank)

Superstar artist Gary Frank returns as the new world of Superman for 2008 and beyond begins in Part 1 of “Brainiac”! Decades ago, Krypton went to war with Brainiac, a cold and callous alien obsessed with the control of knowledge. Superman believes he’s faced Brainiac before, but he’s about to learn the truth behind his close encounters as he heads down the road to his greatest triumph…and greatest tragedy.

After reading the last Johns/Frank arc with the Legion of Superheroes, I’m convinced that the whole thing “Last Son of Krypton” was some strange icky blip in career of Geoff Johns. Some people liked it, others were so sickened by the tardiness and lack of good story that they didn’t even bother to pick up the big ending. Johns has since redeemed himself with one arc, and it looks like he, along with Frank, set to create greatness again. The first issue in this new Brainiac story is such a great start that I am drooling at the thought of the next issue.

Johns seems to be ignoring what is happening in the rest of the DCU, as can been seen in his handling of Jimmy Olsen who is none the worse for wear after his experience in Countdown. He’s got the entire Daily Planet team back in the swing of things, and also has managed to bring back Cat Grant and all her *ahem* bountiful compliments. But the writing isn’t the only thing that makes this book great. Gary Frank is captured the iconic images of all the Superman characters with precision. He definitely using the cast of the original Superman films as a template for likeness, but he’s updated their look and given it his special touch. Honestly, if you could find a fountian of youth for that cast, this is what they would look like in today’s styles and fashions.

Very good things happening here.

Grade: A-

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Updated: June 12, 2008 — 6:45 pm

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