Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #8

Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #8 (of eight) (DC – Palmiotti / Gray / Arlem)

The thrilling conclusion! Red Bee’s plan to control the world is put into motion. Will Uncle Sam and the rest of the Freedom Fighters be able to pull her back from the brink of insanity, or will she pay the ultimate price?

This series ended on a better note than I would have thought. Palmiotti and Gray pulled out a good ending to what, at points, was a very slow moving train. I really thought this series would end in a tragic spot and be the “Empire Strikes Back” of a trilogy. As it turns out, the bug invasion is turned away, Miss America (Miss Cosmos) gets re-born, Stormy takes a new direction in life and seemingly beats her demons… honestly, given the turmoil and struggle that Uncle Sam is known for, it almost ended too well for our heroes. And the last sequence of the book ends when Sam prophesies about an upcoming Crisis. Very nice touch! Overall, as a combination of art and story, a great series and will be a trade worth it’s price.

Issue grade: B+
Series Grade: A-

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:03 am

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