MCCC: Star Trek- Gods and Men


One of the biggest joys of this year’s Motorcity Comic Con was the screening of underground film Star Trek: Gods and Men. Producer Sky Conway has managed to pull together a magnificant cast of Trek alumani from all cornors of the Trek universe. Walter Koenig, Nichelle Nichols, Alan Ruck, Garrett Wang, Tim Russ, and Chase Masters all have roles and it’s some of the best acting I’ve seen from them in years.

There was a Q&A after the screening where Sky Conway let the audience know a few particulars of the filming. Typical underground/independent film stories, one-hundred degree weather with no AC, 4-hour make-up sessions, and fan made sets. All great stuff. Alan Ruck, Chase Masters, and Walter Koenig all had great stories to share they all have great upcoming projects.

The story itself is based on, I believe, an episode from the original series where Capt. Kirk passes judgment on a man with extraordinary mental powers and in classic Trek form, the guy comes back for vengeance. Using a bit of time travel, he succeeds in his vengeance fill mission and sets the entire time stream on it’s ear. It’s not quite like the Mirror Universe, but there are some dark similarities that can be drawn.

The only down side that I had during the screening was that it was missing the third act. You can watch the first two acts on the link provided above, but the third act wasn’t finished yet. It’s going to be available on their website on June 15th. I cannot recommend this movie enough!

Grade: A+

Star Trek: Gods and Men stars

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Updated: May 20, 2008 — 8:19 pm

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