MCCC: Art Baltazar

Presently, one of my daughters’ (plural) favorite comics is Tiny Titans. Tiny Titans is a well-constructed, pleasantly funny book designed on introducing the elementary student to the world of the Teen Titans, and quite possibly the the DCU at large. While he is not a one-man show, the main force and talent behind this book is Art Baltazar (Patrick The Wolf Boy). I was thinking that anyone who turns out a book that is as creative and witty as Tiny Titans would be a character worth meeting. I was very much correct. Art was rocking out with his crayons out! As far as family-friendliness and fun is concerned, you can’t get more bang for your buck than a Baltazar book (say that fast!). Tiny Titans takes the entire cast of The regular Titans mythology and brings it all to a mioddle school… Mr. Slade is not your regular principal! 🙂

Besides his DC runaway hit, and the classic Patrick, Art Baltazar has a whole cast of fantastic characters, you can check them out here. His work has done a great deal to generate interest and character-recognition in the DCU among the younger generation, I think it would be awesome to see Tiny Titans animated
with Mr. Baltazar at the helm (hint, hint, nudge, nudge, powers that be at DC)

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:03 am

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