Green Lantern #30

GREEN LANTERN #30 ( DC / Johns / Reis / Albert)

Green Lantern: Secret Origin” part 2! The origin of Green Lantern continues as Hal Jordan struggles with life after the Air Force and life at Ferris. But Jordan’s world will change completely when he meets Carol Ferris again for the first time and the alien Abin Sur. Plus, who murdered Abin Sur? His fellow Corpsman and friend, Sinestro, wants to know.

You hear it all the time in comics that have been running for years, the “this is the perfect jumping on point” line. I hate to be cliché, but this is the perfect jumping on point for people new to Green Lantern, and especially to Hal Jordan. Maybe there are some GL fans who only followed Kyle, Guy, John, or even Gnort. This latest arc is a total back story on Hal Jordan and how he came into possession of the ring. But wait, there’s plenty for you long time fans too! Geoff Johns does an excellent job crafting a new story that is interlaced with existing continunity. What is the Blackest Night and what did Abin Sur know about it. While this issue didn’t have the OMG moments of the GL books just a few months ago, it still delivers a great story and maybe some sinister foreshadowing.

Issue Grade: B+

Series Grade: A

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Updated: May 1, 2008 — 3:27 pm

1 Comment

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  1. Yes, we all do remember the “Gnort Unleashed” Storyline… Where has he been at lately? Gnort opening his can on Superman-Prime is one of the untold tales of Sinestro Corps War… oh yes it is!

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