Avengers: The Initiative #12

Avengers: The Initiative #12 (Marvel – Slott / Gage / Uy)

Daddy’s home. IRON MAN comes to Camp Hammond, and he’s NOT happy. The first year of the Initiative comes to a dramatic close as members are laid to rest, drummed out, declared AWOL, or…awarded their full Hero’s License. See who graduates and find out what super-teams they’ll be assigned to as the NEXT era of the Initiative begins! Plus: as a new 3-D MAN appears, the base is suddenly short one Skrull…but not how you’d think… Also guest-starring MS. MARVEL!

This issue capstones the K.I.A. arc, and gets ready for the second year of the book by closing up the holes and tying up loose ends. The issue is entitled “Changing of the Guard”, as far as the story goes… the book is going to be focused on a new batch of recruits as those we have gotten to know and care for are now full blown members of the 50 state Initiative. We see an ugly courtroom showdown between Tony Stark and Henry Gyrich… several hours later Gyrich is resigning. And we find out Henry Pym survived… but is it new-flavored skrull Pym, or just regular Pym?

As far as the book goes, the title is symbolic of having the story pass from one talented writer to the next talented writer. I am a card carrying member of the Dan Slott fanclub, his storys always rock hard and I will be sad to watch him leave another great book (Thing and She-Hulk fans miss you!), now this farewell won’t be long-lived, because Mr. Slott will balancing his time between the Initiative and Spider-Man. But for the next few issue Christos Gage will be at the helm, and I think we are up for some adventurous sailing there. The current “warm” feel of the book is defined by Steve Uy’s art. Steve Uy takes a soft line and tone where most would expect there to a harsh hard one… and he makes it work beautifully. Emotions flow right out the scenes and we believe them.  Steve Uy will be a stand-alone talent in the coming year.

Issue Grade: Easy A

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:11 pm

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