Avengers Movie Is a GO!

With the huge success of the Iron Man film, Marvel Films has announced a direction for a run at the Avengers and Captain America films.  Yahoo.com says:

 ” Marvel plans to launch its 2010 film slate with the release of the sequel, Iron Man 2, on April 30, 2010, followed by the launch of Thor on June 4, 2010. Additionally, Marvel is planting its feature film stakes for summer 2011 with an Avengers-themed summer – a two-picture project which will debut on May 6, 2011 with The First Avenger: Captain America (working title), followed by The Avengers in July 2011.”

For those of you that saw Iron Man, you may have caught the many refrences to the super-spy orginization S.H.E.I.L.D. And if you stayed throught the credits, you really know what I’m talking about.

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Updated: May 5, 2008 — 12:28 pm

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