X-Factor #30

X-Factor #30 (Marvel – David / De Landro / Hennessy / Cox)

As Rictor faces down death underneath a rapidly lowering, swinging blade, the rest of the team finds themselves in a Mutant Town transformed into the vicious Murderworld of the diabolical ARCADE! But who has hired the red-haired assassin to take out our heroes? This issue ends with an explosive finale that will literally change the landscape of New York City.

I don’t usually read the X-books, but being an old-school comics fans… you know I got to love Arcade. I was aware Peter David was doing X-Factor, which is a selling-point… but when one of the most under-rated villains of all time was there, I knew I would have to be too! I was glad to see that Arcade had not traded up his all white carni-suit and polka-dotted bow tie… I know that it might be a bit too old-school, but living up to the reputation Valentine De Landro made it look good!

Peter David is also in top form here, having a splintered X-Factor team deal with one of the most creative, imaginative and psychotic assassins ever. I will beware Arcade’s “Fail-safe plan” and prepare to get the trade when it comes out! My only criticism of the book is that it flew along… over before I was done savoring it. 🙂

Issue Grade: A-

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:11 pm

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