Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #7

Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #7 (of 8) (DC – Palmiotti / Gray / Arlem)

Can the Freedom Fighters stop Red Bee’s insectoid invasion, or will she succeed in her plan to turn the world into a gruesome hive for her alien master?

Okay, let’s start this out with the not-so-good side.  The second set of this series hasn’t had the political drive nor the moralistic backdrop of Uncle Sam that the fans enjoyed in the first run.  This time the Uncle Sam book has been more about stopping a bug invasion from space, then it has been about not selling our souls to make sure we win. I am happy to say that after a serious slowdown, this second limited series is finally back on track!

This month we saw great reflection from the characters, introspective portraits, not to mention action sequences and some great splash pages.  I hope this penultimate issue shows us that my favorite Uncle will be ending well.

Issue Grade: A-

Series Grade: B-

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:03 am

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