Ultimate Fantastic Four #53

Ultimate Fantastic Four #53 (Marvel – Carey / Kirkham / Regla / Blond)

The conclusion to the Cosmic Cube Thanos saga! Mr. Fantastic is M.I.A. The Invisible Woman and the Human Torch have gone over to the dark side. That leaves only one man—the Thing—to wrest the all-powerful Cosmic Cube from the clutches of the mad god Thanos!

Marvel’s description is not quite on the money, but it was a great issue anyways! After the first “Ultimate Thanos” trip o’ so many issue ago, I thought I would swear off of the storyline forever. But Mike Carey did an incredible job in this arc of giving us a visit back to the “galactic god” setting that was adventurous and suspenseful. Not to mention a very classic “Reed Richards finds a solution to the unbeatable problem” ending. This run is credit and must read for Ultimate Universe fans everywhere!

Starting next issue, Mike Perkins (Captain America) starts up a a story arc dealing with the Mole Man and Ultimate Agatha Harkness… and if you don’t know who Agatha is, find a real Fantastic Four fan and ask them!

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:11 pm

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