Doctor Who #3

Doctor Who #3 (of 6) (IDW – Russell / Roche)

Continuing the adventures of the Tenth Doctor from the hit Sci Fi television show! The Doctor and Martha arrive with a bang on the planet New Savannah, home to the feline humanoids known as the Catkind, on the eve of the year Five Billion. A world plagued by civil unrest, social mistrust and horrors from the past about to be unleashed, the entire planet is about to be held ransom! Who is the shadowy figure behind it all?

Idea Design Works (better known as IDW) continues it’s Dr. Who reign of glory!  This mini-series, which at first seems to be a fairly fun romp of one-issues strung together, is turning into a great story arc.   While I think a non-Doctor fan could pick up the series and run with it, and possibly want to get involved with the TV series, the plot goes much deeper for a Timelord groupie. Martha and the Doc are weaving in and out of plots already in place from season 2 and 3.  Whole planetary populations are disappearing in the blink of an eye and a league of inter-dimensional temporal bad-guys want the Doctor’s head on a pike… this great stuff!  The only thing that is a negative in this series, is that the art is a tad bit cartoony for the points in the story that get dark and dramatic.  It’s hard to get the Doctor’s angst when you think he looks a tad like a Warner Brothers character.  Overall still very enjoyable!

Issue grade A-

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Updated: April 18, 2008 — 9:10 am

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