DC Universe 0

DC Universe 0 (DC – Morrison / Johns / Perez / Mahnke / Daniel )

This is it! The greatest DC characters! Your favorite writers and artists! Everything leading to Final Crisis and beyond starts here for just 50¢! Take a journey through the past and present of the DCU, and witness the emergence of the greatest evil in the universe — and the stunning return of a force for good! You dare not miss DC Universe: Zero!

This has won the “most interesting read” so far this week. A spraying of 2-3 page clips of things to come… Superman and the Legion battling Shadow… A batman – Joker face to face… Wonder Woman vs the “300”?… a Ring war chromatic montage… a resurrgance of the Spirit… Libra re-forms the Secret Society with promises of wishes fulfilled… and a final crack of lightning and a Flash’s word bubble indicated the Return of Barry Allen! Not much really happens here… except for for the excitement in a fanboy’s heart and the wagging of his tongue :). And all for just fifty cents, this issue is a no-brainer!

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:03 am

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