Catwoman #78

Catwoman #78 (DC – Pfeifer / Lopez / Lopez)

Catwoman’s way off the Hell Planet is set and ready to go, but first she’ll have to deal with the villains she’s crossed. And she’s crossed a lot of villains. Line forms to the left…let’s start with the bloodthirsty, claw-wielding, kill-happy Cheetah!

If I were a long time reader of Catwoman, I would be disappointed, because I am reading Salvation Run on a regular basis and for the last few months, these two series have been complete overlap with very little extra. Take this issue, yes we get a little bit of insight into Catwoman trying to beguile Hammer and Sickle (leftover Cold War cybernetic villains) and we get a close-up view of her throw-down with Cheetah. But it ends at the same place Salvation Run #7 does… with all of the villains trapped on planet Salvation temporarily putting their personal issues aside and dealing with the attack of the parademons. It’s a good thing for this series that this arc is coming to an end.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it has interesting watch Catwoman interact with all of her super-powered cohorts. But it is time for the feline fatale to get back to gritty Gotham with stories that fit her character better. There is nothing wrong with the writing or the art, both are great… it’s just been a fish-out-of-water arc, or more specifically a cat-out-of-the-streets arc.

Issue Grade: B-

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:03 am

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