Avengers: The Initiative #11

Avengers: The Initiative #11 (Marvel – Slott / Gage / Rudoni / Caramagna)

“Killed in Action” Part 4 of 4 Worst Case Scenario. By now you know who KIA is, what he wants, and who he’s killed. Initiative regulars, new recruits, and big name characters: no one’s been safe. And that’s never been more true than here at the bitter end. Join what’s left of the Initiative as they and the MIGHTY AVENGERS try to stop their greatest threat.

So we have watched K.I.A…. ahem a MVP clone go on a rampage for three issues and spread death and destruction in his wake to take care of his list. Big finish right? Right?… Well, I wouldn’t say big finish, I could say cool finish or good finish, but not big finish… let me tell you why. The past three issues, not to mention this series as a whole, has been characterized by big battles and major slugfest! The beginning of KIA’s downfall doesn’t start with a punch, but with a kiss. Actually Dan Slott and Christos Gage some very interesting and creative ways for a bunch of rookies to succeed where veterans like the Mighty Avengers failed.  And then for the second time in the series you have an out-of-the-box plot twist involving Slapstick.

On top of the creative plot devices, you have the great character development and believable interactions… the writing in the Initiative is so smooth, it’s easy to forget there is something like sixteen main characters here.  To reinforce and support the great story, you have the in-you-face art of one very talented Daniele Rudoni.  Simply put, if you aren’t getting this book, you should!

Issue Grade: A

Series Grade: A

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:11 pm

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