Thor #7

Thor #7 (Marvel – Straczynski / Djurdjevic / Miki / Djurdjevic)

We say thee HELL YEAH! After the events of the mega-blockbuster, multiple-issue-sellout, critically acclaimed first arc that restored the mighty God of Thunder and Asgard to full glory, Thor is back in action with a vengeance! And joining J. Michael Straczynski…fan-favorite DAREDEVIL cover artist Marko Djurdjevic comes on board to provide amazing painted interiors for an explosive two-issue arc! Thor’s never been more intense!

I have never been what you would call a hardcore Thor fan… yes, I enjoy him as part of the Avengers, and the occasional adventure with Spidey or the FF, but his solo book has never really engaged me.  It was always a viking / barbarian D&D character in a super-hero context… and I believe it worked great when he was in contrast to Cap or Iron Man.  But by himself, Thor never did much more me.  Well, J. Michael Straczysnki rocked my world this week with this issue of Thor.  What he has done, is instead of giving me a super-hero is a the guise of a mythological character… he is writing an emotionally-connecting, heart-felt mythological story and a grand one at that!

Issue #7, entitled “Father Issues”, has Thor doubting himself, with the help of Odin’s raven, as to whether or not his new found ability to revive the Asgardians has the power to bring his father Odin back… and why it never occurred to him to try.  Skillfully told, the reader get a re-telling of the origin of Odin, and Thor to an extent, and the powerful relationship between them and what it means for a “god” to get out of his father’s shadow.  This two issue series (#7 and #8) promises to be one of the most exciting and well-told arcs to come out of Marvel this year!

Grade: A

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:11 pm

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