The Misadventures of Clark and Jefferson #4

The Misadventures of Clark and Jefferson #4 (of 4) (Ape Entertainment – Carvajal / Borstel)

It’s the final battle between the gang and the creatures from the sky as the fight continues on and off the spaceship

So it all comes to a head now. All differences are put aside, whether it is race or occupation, as this becomes a battle of human versus alien. This final issue puts a cap on what has been a fantastic ride of a series.

For those of you that haven’t been paying attention to some of the indy gold that is out there. The Misadventures of Clark and Jefferson is a “buddy cop” story between a sheriff and his myopic wise-crackin’ deputy. In their travels, what they uncover is a savage, reptilian alien race who are looking for food. And then it’s the good old west versus alien technology.

This issue finds our heroes in the belly of the mother ship, freeing prisoners and trying to stop “the creatures from the sky” for good. This series, including this issue, has been characterized by great character arch-types and fantastic, fun writing. The banter between characters is worthy of either a Bruce Campbell or Bruce Willis type. The art throughout the series has been been great, nice crisp lines that allows both wonderful frame shots and action sequences. If you’ve been picking up the series you know you can’t miss the final issue and if you haven’t… either ask you local comic shop about back ordering or pick up the trade.

Issue Grade: A-

Series Grade: A

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Updated: March 18, 2008 — 7:57 am

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