Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #26

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #26 (Vector Part 2) (Dark Horse / Miller / Hepburn / Pimentel / Parsons)

” The second part of the biggest Star Wars story of 2008 begins with Mandalorians galore and ends with the arrival of a seemingly unstoppable threat!  Fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick and his con-artist companion Gryph have fallen into a situation even more dangerous than the one they escaped on wartorn Taris-surrounded by enemies and trapped in close-quarters with a deadly agent of the group who framed Zayne for killing his fellow Jedi-in-training!

* No one should miss “Vector”! This is Star Wars on its grandest scale-a galaxy-spanning, era-defining, sure-fire hit with fans both casual and hardcore!”

It’s not so much the agent of his enemies that Zayne should worry about, but more the ever-growing numbers of rakghouls that are hunting him. Plus, these are no ordinary rakghouls, they’re smart and organized. This new plague has been one of Taris’s best kept secrets, but in the pages of Vector, I have a feeling that it’s about to be busted wide open. What is the crux of Vector? I don’t know. But I do know that it will center around a rakghoul invasion and the Muur Talisman that will sweep through the galaxy. Not good!

The writing is stellar as always, but the new art hasn’t grown on me like I thought it would. There are times when I see greatness in the work on Scott Hepburn, then there are times when I wonder, “What the hell’s wrong with Zayne’s chin?” Hepburn is a capable artist who does very pretty splash page, but the lost me in the basic panel-to-panel of of the comic. I’m hoping that he can move up the extra inch to be on part with the level of writing.

Issue Grade: B

Series Grade: A-

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Updated: March 29, 2008 — 2:18 pm

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