Proof #6

Proof #6 (Image – Grecian / Rossmo / Staples)

New storyline. Bigfoot hunters slaughter the parents of a baby dinosaur in Africa. Will Proof take the bait and fly to Africa, putting himself in harm’s way in order to save the little dinosaur? Of course he will! C’mon, he’s the hero of the book

After reading this issue I feel like quoting the immortal Randy Jackson “You know what dog, you know I love you… but this was not your best performance”. What we have here is basically a prelude into the next storyline, just a set-up… and that’s it. We are introduced to the new antagonist and longtime nemesis of our main characters, Colonial Dachshund. Apparently he and Leander Wight, the head honcho of the Lodge, have a thirty years history together… and Dachshund is dead-set on hunting and presumably eating Proof.

Being a Proof-reader myself, it wasn’t a bad issue and the feeling that the issue went by way too quick didn’t bug me too much, Alex Grecian offers small blurbic insights into all of our main characters through various story-telling tools which he uses well.  But I can imagine if this was your first issue of Proof… you might think it was weak.  And you know what, if this was your first issue, pick-up #7 or the back-issues, it get’s way better than this.  The Rossmo / Staples art connection holds sound with what the readers are looking at giving value to this issue.

Issue Grade: B-

Series Grade: A

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Updated: March 30, 2008 — 6:30 pm

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