Justice Society of America #13 (DC – Johns / Ross / Pasarin / Friend)
“Thy Kingdom Come” continues! The Justice Society has been tracking the “Heartbreak Slayer” — a mysterious serial killer targeting super-villains — for months. Now, as new members are welcomed into the fold and the Society expands, the JSA will come face-to-face with an evil that threatens the future they stand for.
All love of Geoff Johns aside, let’s try to keep this real. This issue was just a huge origin of Gog / Magog issue. Yes, there was the ever-present interesting dialogue between JSA members, old and new… Yes, there was the long-anticipated Superman / Superman-Kingdom-Come interaction that started off very promising (with Clark accusing his dark future counterpart of spying on Lois) but then flat-lined because the conversation went to Gog… and yes, there was an appearance by Wonder Woman D-lister Hercules (and who wasn’t waiting for that… right?). But when all is said and done, it was simply a huge Gog / Magog origin issue. Given the talent and characters here, there should have been a lot more meat to it.
They could have crammed it down into a two-pager and put it in the back of a Countdown issue… and then maybe that issue of Countdown would be worth getting.
Issue Grade: C