Countdown Lowdown #7

“Gone Tomorrow”

Here’s the Lowdown…

  • Mary Marvel, Una, Karate Kid, Ray Palmer, Donna Troy, Kyle Rayner, Holly, Harley and the rest (sounds like Gilligan’s Island) return to the real Earth to try to help Karate Kid
  • Turns out all of these characters have been erased from Earth’s timeline or they have returned to a different Earth but Ray can’t figure that out
  • It takes a mini-brawl with the Justice League and the majority of this issue for the writers to get across the idea
  • The group turns to Cadmus at the direction of Jimmy Olsen (hmmmmm… Firestorm, Ray Palmer, Donna Troy… no, I’ll take scientific advice from Jimmy Olsen)
  • After an initial level 1 fight scene, they meet up with Dubbilex who also does not who they are
  • He says he will help but Karate Kid is already dead
  • Origin of Bane

Countdown to Final Crisis #7 is on par with almost all of the issues in this series, good old filler and not worth your time!  This issue didn’t even have any really cool well-done splash pages to “ooooh” at.

Issue Grade: D

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Updated: March 13, 2008 — 5:12 pm

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