Batman and the Outsiders #5

Batman and the Outsiders #5 (DC– Dixon / Lopez / Bit / Braithwaite)

The Outsiders run into trouble while a recon mission for Batman at a European Space Administration site in North Africa! Meanwhile, tension within the group comes to a head as the Outsiders’ newest member challenges Batman for leadership!

Some of the best work this year is coming out of places you just wouldn’t have expected it.  Not to say we don’t expect great things from Chuck Nixon, a creative mainstay since the 90’s (Batman, Punisher), but from the Outsiders book.  Historically speaking, the Outsiders book has been a collection of independent C-listers who Batman has brought together for various reasons at various times.  Sometimes it has worked, sometimes it hasn’t, but usually Batman has had to carry the book. Well what this creative teams has put together is definitely working with Batman being a shadowy secondary placement.  Instead of obscure characters (which isn’t always an issue), we have well-known commodities and some folks who have  even carried their own titles… Batgirl, Metamopho, Katana, Geo-Force and Green Arrow.  Not to mention a very cool “dead man”-ish cameo of the Dibnys.  Chuck Dixon brings his hardcore writing style to some fresh characters, their egos and their not-so-friendly interactions with each other, mix in there some great flowing art to help the story along and you have an unexpected and underrated book.  Great job!

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:03 am

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