Green Lantern #29

Green Lantern # 29 (DC / Johns / Reis / Albert)

“Kicking off the “Secret Origin” story arc! Witness the beginnings of one of the bravest Green Lanterns who’s ever lived as the “secret origin” of Hal Jordan is revealed in a whole new light! While Hal begins his career another Lantern, the greatest of all time, uncovers the mystery of Abin Sur’s death and his obsession with the prophecy of “the Blackest Night.”

Here are the beginnings of the big reveal of what “the Blackest Night” holds.  Abin Sur stumbled onto something he wasn’t supposed to know, and by the looks of it he had to kick a whole lot of tail to get the info he wanted. But honestly, the Abin Sur section is only a few pages long. Most of this issue is the origin story of Hal Jordan and how he became DC’s man without fear. I was unaware, but it was a hard road for Hal Jordan. It really seems like this guy never catches a break! Geoff Johns does a great job writing a story about a guy caught between what his heart is telling him and what his family wants. The art is as solid now as it was when I started reading Green Lantern last June.

Issue Grade: A

Series Grade: A+

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:03 am

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  1. I enjoyed this issue, but my son really liked it. Being a new comic and GL reader he was glad to find out more about Hal’s past. I then pointed out that the story about the death of Hal’s mom was before more info about Blackest Night. I smiled and said to him “We already know that the dead will rise from the grave. What better way to mess with Hal.”

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