Star Wars: Legacy #19-Claws of the Dragon

Star Wars: Legacy #19 – Claws of the Dragon part 6 (of 6) (Dark Horse / Ostrander / Duurseema / Parsons)

The galaxy-shaking storyline “Claws of the Dragon” reaches its unbelievable conclusion as the Empire’s enemies and allies all make their move for one man-Cade Skywalker!
Cade stands face-to-face with the Emperor of the galaxy and leader of the Sith legions, Darth Krayt. Has the last Skywalker reached the point of no return on the path to darkness? Meanwhile, Deliah Blue and Jariah Syn execute a rescue plan for Cade that revolves around a single, significant word: “Boom.”
Cade Skywalker versus Darth Krayt!

BOOM is right! This is the most intense ending to a story arc I’ve read since the end of the Sinestro War. Cade is in a constant struggle with himself to not turn to the dark side while engaging the most powerful Sith alive in heated battle. While Cade has his hands full, the rest of the Mynock crew are busy trying to enact a plan the will allow Cade to leave the Sith temple in one piece.

Ostrander does an amazing job spinning a Star Wars tale that hearkens back to the excitement of the original series. This tale is strengthened by the art of Jan Duurseema, who depicts a Star Wars universe of the “future” that keeps that same great feel while keeping it fresh and new. This marks the end of a great story arc with just enough room to start and finish another arc before it’s Legacy’s turn to take part in “Vector”.

Grade: A

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Updated: February 12, 2008 — 10:33 pm

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