Star Trek: Year Four #6

Star Trek: Year Four #6 (IDW – Tischman / Conley / Corroney)

As Kirk and the crew investigate the disappearance of the USS Pasteur, a trail of debris leads the USS Enterprise to an automated facility on a lifeless, desert planet in the Gobi system. A landing party finds robotic nannies caring for a computer-controlled nursery of alien babies—which Dr. McCoy’s analysis proves to be the final survivors of the planet’s dead civilization. But when an ensign disappears, and clues of the Pasteur’s fate uncover the facility’s startling secret, the computer reveals it maternal instincts—using its awesome power to defend its children—endangering the Enterprise, and forcing Kirk and the landing party to fight for their lives. Written by David Tischman (Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Space Between) with art by Steve Conley, and a cover by Joe Corroney (Dr. Who Classic, Klingons).

This book has become a real heartbreak for me. I have been a Trekkie since I was a youngling. And I am so pumped about this book, and some of the other current projects from IDW, but by issue#6, Year four has hit a slump. It’s like watching your favorite show that has had three or four bad / boring episodes in a row… You still love it, but you are disappointed. The balancing factor here for a “meh” plot… the story was too short and simple, felt like the old animated series… is the wonderful retro art. Quite often with comic project based on celebrity likenesses, there is a need for some sort of disclaimer. Not true here, Steve Conley’s images carry this book, and carries it well.

Issue Grade: C+ (writing D, art A)

Series Grade: B+

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Updated: February 19, 2008 — 4:32 pm

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