Proof #5

Proof #5 (Image – Grecian / Rossmo)

Hundreds of babies die! Elvis fights a half-naked old lady! Fairies are murdered! And El Chupacabra brings Joy to the world! All that, plus four extra story pages, in the conclusion to “Goatsucker.” This may be the strangest comic book you’ll read all year.

Strangest and possibly most enjoyable. Proof fits that “X-Files” hole that most fanboys aren’t aware they have. This issue was the epilogue/conclusion to the El Chupacabra storyline, wrapping up a few loose ends and expanding the fairy folklore while giving the spotlight to some of the Proof-verse secondary characters. In fact, our main-man, um main-bigfoot, isn’t even in this issue. Being able to do this at issue #5 and pull it off without a hitch proves that the story-telling team of Grecian and Rossmo are setting the standard. With a little bit closer look at Leander, Elvis, Autumn and even the Chupacabra… fans of this book become more obsessed with Proof. I hope the creative team is not offended when I say that I can see this being adapted easily into a hit TV show. And for you worried parents and other kindhearted folks … all the babies that die? They are a litter of fairy offspring that get eaten by carrier pigeons… it’s a great tribute to Charlotte’s web.

Grade: A

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Updated: February 29, 2008 — 7:40 pm

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