Mice Templar goes daily!

The uniquely eclectic yet highly acclaimed series The Mice Templar from Image comics is yet again breaking a mold and will be posted daily on Newsarama.com. The following is a news release from Image:

13 February 2008 (Berkeley, CA) – Image Comics’ THE MICE TEMPLAR, the best-selling, fantasy/adventure series by Bryan J.L. Glass, Michael Avon Oeming, Wil Quintana and James Glass, comes to Newsarama Daily this March in a collaboration with hiddenrobot.com.

“Bryan and I couldn’t be more excited by the tremendous reception the series has received,” Oeming said. “We’re hearing from comic fans of all sorts who love the series, so we’re hoping to continue to reach this diverse audience by releasing the Dailies online.”

THE MICE TEMPLAR is a tale of tragedy and restoration centering on Karic, a young mouse who finds himself thrust headlong into the very real world surrounding the legends of his youth. In addition to the unfolding saga in the Daily format, the universe of MICE TEMPLAR can be explored deeper via the Website materials compiled by writer Bryan Glass and Webmaster Tim Daniel, featuring original unpublished art, early stories, and an exhaustive glossary of all terms, titles and characters: a veritable MUST for all fans of the fantasy epic.

MICE TEMPLAR DAILY debuts Monday, March 3, 2008 at http://www.hiddenrobot.com/MTDAILY. For more information on THE MICE TEMPLAR please visit http://www.hiddenrobot.com/MICETEMPLAR.

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Updated: February 18, 2008 — 4:29 pm

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