Green Arrow and Black Canary #4

Green Arrow and Black Canary #4 (DC – Winick / Chiang) The second story arc of this hit new series begins with a tragedy for Oliver Queen! Very few characters have it as tough as Ollie Queen does.  You would think someone who has both been millionaire and mayor could catch a break somewhere.  After his resurface in modern continuity (The Longbow Hunters – still one of the best books on the shelves), he has more than a few run-ins with women from his past, he dies, is brought back as a husk, is always the guy going going toe to toe with Batman (not a fate for the weak), then he misses his own wedding with a shapeshifter in his place, and now he finally gets free of his captives and he thinks his son his dead.  But wait, Connor is alive, but left brain dead due to a corrosive brain toxin., I figures this wasn’t a poler since the issue has been out for a few weeks.  But boy, can someone send Ollie to Earth-51, he needs it.  Judd Winick writes what might be the most emotional touching single issue of the past year from any publisher.  The story is penciled by Cliff Chiang (Human Target, Beware the Creeper) and has a very “New Frontier” feel to it, almost as if he is trying to channel Darwyn Cooke.  Not my favorite style of art, but good for what Cliff is trying to do.

Grade: B

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:03 am

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