On Saturday, Feb 23rd, David Nakayama had a comic signing appearance at Kowabunga Comics. Most of you know that Kowabunga is my uber-favorite comic shop to begin with… but when you add a guy like David showing up, it became a geek Nirvana.
David was there talking about how he has just finished his run on Marvel Adventures: Hulk and will be doing work on Marvel Adventures: Fantastic Four. I was lucky enough to see some of the pages of the upcoming issues, and as always, David’s art looks incredible! He had also mentioned he has a project coming up that is in the mainstream Marvel Universe that will be pretty big… he didn’t give any more detail no matter how many times and different ways I asked 🙂 So I don’t know what it is (and I hope they don’t suck him into the black hole that is all the X-books) but I am sure it will rock!
After you go to conventions and signings for several years, you get a sense of how creators and geek “celebrities” can be. Sometimes, they come across as just being interested in you handing them cash for their time and don’t seem to care about the fan base, perhaps even annoyed that you are there (*cough* Lou *cough*) and sometimes they come across as friendly and just as excited to meet you and you are them. David is one of the later group. I watched him do sketches for anyone who asked and answer every question given to him from all ages. He had elementary students asking him who his favorite characters, what books he reads… even what his favorite scene from the Spawn Movie was? David took it all in stride, no matter how the question was. He had the time and patience to talk to everyone who came through the door and really scored big points for Marvel Comics with the parents. With his mainstream work coming up, I hope David gets marked as one of their Young Guns for ’08. Thank you for coming David and good luck with your upcoming books / projects! And everyone make sure to reserve your copy of his upcoming work in MA: Fantastic Four!
Here is David’s Myspace, Here is David’s page on Deviant Art.
Oconomowoc is home to The Oconocon, the biggest Midwest Comic Convention premiering this year… go on, check out the guest list… you will be impressed!
Check out Kowabunga Comics… the most family-friendly and awesome comic store around!