Black Panther #34 (Marvel – Hudlin / Portela / Avalon / Milla / Petit)
“GANGSTA LEAN,” PART 3 It’s clobberin’ time—in the arena and in the streets, between the Gangsters and Panthers, and between the Fantastic Four and the elusive, malicious Golden Frogs!
This is the last issue for both the highly under-rated “Gangsta” story arc and the Civil War connected Fantastic Four cross-over. Reginald Hudlin is superb in his story-telling ability. His run on Black Panther has ranged from being politically charged to full-blast cosmic action. He can give you a plot that will thrill you while making a social statement. This last 3 issue arc will be one that fanboys will wish they had picked up in years to come. The fantastic art by Portela does nothing but make this a better book and give you one more reason to put it on your radar.
Secret Invasion warning: I am still betting that there will be some sort of Skrull fall-out when Johnny and Ben return, given that in Black Panther they have been dimension hopping, with skrulls involved, but in the mainstream FF book they have been upfront and active. Could be that there are some shape-shifting hi-jinks happening!
Grade: A-