Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters #1

Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters #1 (Dynamite Entertainment / Champagne / Nguyen)

“In 1977, NASA inexplicably sent four hamsters into space to investigate a strange mass of radioactive gelatin that was hovering over the Earth. Due to exposure from the radioactive mass, the four hamsters quickly changed, evolving into something NEW. Something ADOLESCENT. Something RADIOACTIVE. Crash landing in the Himalayas, the Hamsters were found by a hidden monastery of monks who nursed them back to health, training the group in the martial arts. And now they’re back and Dynamite’s got them! Under the watchful eye of original series creator Don Chin, writer Keith Champagne (Countdown: Arena) is joined by artist Tom Nguyen for a comic book series unlike any the world has ever seen! Ninjas! Barbarians! Huns! Monks! Hamsters! This one’s got it all! Look for the special Hamsters alternate cover by Michael Avon (Mice Templar) Oeming!

My other disappointment for the week. I was so looking forward to this being the fun book I remember, but instead I got a rehashing of jokes from ten-years past and closing act that is so unremarkable that I found myself laughing at how bad it was.  Writer Keith Champagne must have some plan because the book ends, abruptly, with a cliffhanger that has to be resolved in the opening of the next issue. I’m hoping the story and dialog will improve. The art is…meh.  I’ve always enjoyed the work of Tom Nguyen, but the hamsters seem two dimensional and flat.

Over all it seems like writer and artist just phoned this one in.

Grade: D+

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Updated: February 17, 2008 — 5:18 pm


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  2. Dear Greg…thank you for reviewing this book in your online column on Pullbox.

    While obviously the new Dynamite ARBBH #1 did not hit the mark with you, I have to defend the series and the direction Keith Champagne (Writer), Tom Nguyen and Moose Baumann (artist, colorist) are taking it.

    It’s not written by me, but I still think it is imaginative and funny and I am deeply involved in the series development, as you can read in many articles on the internet as well as on Dynamite’s ARBBH forum. (

    It’s 20 years later, and I like Keith’s expansion of the original ARBBH universe. It’s not a “laugh a panel” book, but definitely more character driven than what I used to do.

    I hope you’ll give it another chance as Keith brings each original Hamster out (Jackie, Bruce and Chuck, and then Clint) in the following issues #2-4.

    The new ARBBH is not the same as it was 20 years ago. That would be predictable and boring to me. Please stick around a few more issues and see what happens!


    Don Chin
    ARBBH Creator

    P.S. For a nostalgic trip down memory lane (and also to save you digging out your old back issues, which we know can be a chore), you can download the original ARBBH books for free on s.asp?nGroupId=135

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