Action Comics #861

Action Comics #861 ( DC / Johns / Frank / Sibal)“Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes,” Part 4! Superman’s mission to reunite the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century continues on the one planet more dangerous than Earth: the cold, knowledge-obsessed world of Colu! But what fate has befallen Brainiac 5? And what are the horrible secrets behind Earth’s “new” super-heroes – the Justice League?

This is hands down the best Superman story arc I’ve read in years. I’m not sure why it took Johns so long to find his groove with the man-of-steel, but many fans were disappointed with the “Last Son of Krypton” story arc. Now we’re in the 4th part of his story with the Legion of Superheroes and it’s got everything a Superman fan could want. The art by Frank is also great. I was never a big fan of Gary Frank’s work, but his work in Action Comics has made me a fan. He’s got just the right balance between realism and comic-booky art. Something I felt he was lacking in Supreme Power, in my opinion. I’ve have conversations with some other fans and we all agree that if Geoff Johns and Gary Frank were to stay on this title for a few years, it would once again be a golden age for Superman.

Now if someone at Action Comics would get the creative teams of the Superman and Superman/Batman books a memo on what good stories are, we’d have three awesome Superman books instead of just one.

Grade: A

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Updated: February 2, 2008 — 1:14 pm

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