Abyss #3 (of 4)

ABYSS #3 ( RED 5 / Rubio / Marangon)
Quiver, the latest in the long line of Arrow’s ill-fated sidekicks, has been missing for three weeks. Eric, son of super-villain Abyss, may be holding the key to her location (and a plot of world domination). But it will take a trip to Oakland to find a man soulful enough to help.

I’m sad that this is only a 4 issue mini-series. Rubio and Marangon are such a great team that I just don’t want it to end. Abyss #3 is just a fun comic to read. There are some flaws. For instance the reuniting of Arrow and his former sidekick seemed a bit odd at points, but it didn’t effect the overall flow of the book. The comedy points are still great and there are some plot twists and tuns that make me wonder how all this is going to be tied up in one more issue. But, given the talent of Rubio…I’m sure things will turn out just fine.

Grade: A-

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Updated: February 3, 2008 — 6:48 pm

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