Wolverine: Origins #21

Wolverine: Origins #21 (Marvel – Way / Dillon) He’s a born killer, highly trained in the art of violence. He’s a man out of time, living without fear of death. He’s the best there is at what he does…and he’s about to do it to Wolverine. Enter: DEADPOOL! What kind of person goes after Wolverine? Who accepts a contract on Wolverine’s life regardless of the money involved? A highly trained assassin and fighter who is out of their cotton-pickin’ mind, that’s who. And that description just about sums up Marvel’s oddball hitman Deadpool. While the cover by Simone Bianchi is excellent, drawing the unexpected reader into buying this book, the action and quality of art displayed here is not found anywhere inside the pages. The plot is pretty much summarized in Marvel’s blurb above. Deadpool accepts a contract to take out Wolverine and spends the entire issue attempting to get one up on Logan. This appears like it could be a great premise, I mean imagine Jack Bauer trying to take on John McClain, could be very cool… this unfortunately is not. Stifled dialogue, lame sequences and mediocre art bring this slugfest to a screeching halt. The the characters wrestle their way through a department store in Chinatown and an ambulance chase scene with the culmination being that Deadpool literally wants to outshine Wyle E. Coyote and he drops a piano on Wolverine. This is part one of “The Deep End” story arc, hope things gets a little deeper as far the plot goes.

Grade: C-

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:10 pm

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