Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #4

Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #4 (DC – Palmiotti / Gray / Arlem) The Doll Man War begins! Plus, Red Bee’s daring escape from a government lab. And if that’s not enough…the return of Neon the Unknown! In 2006 the first Uncle Sam mini was far and away one of the under-rated series of the year. While the second series does have some very positive pieces to it, it unfortunately has not been living up to it’s predecessor’s heroic feel. Yes, we get the theme of love your country, but don’t trust your government… yes, we get the theme of that sometimes being patriotic means going against the establishment… yes, we get the theme that being American means to bet on something bigger than yourself… we get it, but I am tired of getting hit over the head with it. It’s not that’s poorly written, because it’s not, it’s just very heavy handed.  More story and less politics might give this book a better readership.  So far in this mini-series, we have watched some members of the Freedom Fighters self-destruct under the lime light, we have seen the Freedom Fighters split over modern interpretation of patriotic ideology  and we see more and more characters that corrupt politicians have screwed over.  Not the most uplifting book.  Here’s hopes that the book becomes more of a story of triumph and faith rather than fear and deceit.

Issue Grade: B

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:03 am

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